Schedule Date Sheet for first term School Based Assessment SBA 2023


I am directed to refer to the subject cited above and to enclose the schedule/ date sheet for First Term School-Based Assessment (SBA), 2023 and to convey that following instructions / directions be adhered in letter & spirit:         

1. Teaching activities will continue as usual in classrooms after the assessment has been conducted.

2. There will be no scheduled holidays when there is no assessment, and schools will remain open & operational, except on Sundays.

3. There will be no scheduled holidays when there is no assessment, and schools will remain open & operational, except on Sundays.

4. All subject question papers, except for English and Urdu, are available in bilingual format. Schools have the flexibility to generate question papers for other subjects in either English, Urdu, or a bilingual format.

5. Schools will generate QR-coded question papers by accessing the Item Bank System (IBS). The QR code contains comprehensive school information, including the EMIS code, which can be scanned using QR Code Scanning Application by monitors.


6. Each system-generated paper for a subject will consist of one page comprising of 50 marks ( ten (10) MCQs & three (03) CRQS except Tadrees- e-Quran Majeed). vi. For optional subjects other than computer science, schools will follow a similar pattern for assessment preparation.

7. Assessment Scripts' marking will be conducted promptly and in line with the standardized keys and rubrics generated alongside the papers in the IBS and simultaneously with the assessment process.

8. During parent-teacher meetings, the focus will be on highlighting students' positive aspects and discussing areas for improvement to enhance their learning experiences.

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