How to generate PEC Item Bank Papers for all Classes in 2023

 PEC has enabled access to the Item Bank System (IBS) for all public and private schools across all districts in Punjab. For this purpose URL and access credentials for schools are as follows;


Username: EMIS code

password: pec78601

All heads and AEOs are directed to ensure 100% login. Each school should download its papers from its EMIS code login and it will be monitored by the PEC Lahore team during the exam schedule which will check papers by scanning the QR code on the paper. Do not purchase papers from the market or do not get print of papers from any other school login.

SBA-2023 PEC Paper Generation Details


Username: EMIS Code

Password: pec78601

Change email and password

How to Generate Paper in PEC Assessment 2023

Login to the system

Click on Generate paper

Select a class from the Paper grade

Select Subject

Selection Section

Select Auto Paper Generate

Click on Generate Paper list and download your paper

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